Active from 1983 to 2023, the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies aimed to lift environmental, social, and economic outcomes for all New Zealanders, via good public policy.

The Institute’s goal was to contribute to improving New Zealanders’ lives. Its researchers engaged with New Zealand’s policy-making process and worked with people to make New Zealand a better place environmentally, socially, and economically.

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The IGPS newsletter included information on the Institute's events and commentary on current issues. To be emailed the newsletter every fortnight, subscribe here.

There has recently been discussion in public forums about the work of the Institute of Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS) and its staff, both past and present. The University affirms that the directors and staff of the IGPS are valued members of staff who have carried out high-quality research and contributed to the University’s critic and conscience role during their respective terms of office. The University notes that the work of the IGPS has been governed by a Charter and overseen by an independent advisory board. An independent review of the IGPS concluded that its activities and outputs were consistent with its Charter.

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